How Often Should You Clean Your Electronic Air Filters?

Under normal circumstances, electronic air filters should be cleaned every three months. If you have smokers in the house, multiple pets, a lot of dust, or other indoor air quality issues, you may need to clean your filters more often. To ensure peak performance, electronic air purifiers should be washed every 30 days. Unlike medium type filters, electrostatic air filtration units such as SMOG HOG or TRION, MISTBUSTER or COOLBLASTER use a two-stage filtration process to charge and attract oil particles.

This process does not shut off, but instead removes oil-laden air from the machine's center cabinet and releases it into the surrounding environment. To maintain the condition of the air filter cells and keep them operating at maximum efficiency, they should be bathed with acid periodically. This will help to ensure that your electronic air filters are working optimally and providing you with clean air.

Cora Koci
Cora Koci

Certified travel expert. Subtly charming web trailblazer. Devoted coffee fanatic. Amateur tv specialist. Wannabe coffee fanatic.